Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Midterm Reflection

During the first half of this semester I have gained a greater understanding of the figure and its muscle structure. Looking at my drawings I can see a distinct progression between the first gesture drawings and my most recent gesture drawings. The technical progression has kept my attitude positive and my interest high. Overall I feel that the method of teaching in this class is very effective. I believe that technique is essential to creating great drawings, and this class provides proper instruction. This instruction has brought me back to truly observing the figure as it truly appears.

The creation of the clay models gives me a better understanding of how the muscles work together on the body. This activity over the first half of this semester increases my knowledge of the human body, which is valuable to any person involved in physical activities. I have found this to captivate my interest, but it is also very time consuming and hard to transport. This is probably just laziness on my part. I have thoroughly enjoyed drawing each class period and the time devoted to proper instruction. The real life observation is the most beneficial way for me to develop my drawing skills.

Midterm Portfolio

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